About Michele Tiffany
Michele has over 29 years of experience as paralegal/case manager within several Puget Sound area personal injury law firms. Michele serves clients from the day they walk in the door and throughout their claim and settlement process. She has drafted well over 2,000 settlement demand letters to insurance companies over the course of her career and is knowledgeable about most of the aspects of each person’s case that comes through Knapp Legal, PLLC.
Besides having attended numerous CLE’s throughout her career, Michele has been a CLE faculty speaker for the Institute of Paralegal Education on the subject matter of medical records evaluation for paralegals.
Michele is a native Northwesterner, having grown up in Bellevue, Washington when Nordstrom was just a single shoe store and Bellevue Square was a little strip mall.
You can contact her at mt@www.knapplegal.com.